Lessons Learned from Crisis Management.


In January 2018, Swedish giant H&M faced a crisis by releasing a photo of a black child wearing a top with the words “coolest monkey in the jungle” on it. The image was widely criticised for its racially insensitive messaging. The controversy quickly went viral, with widespread condemnation of H&M’s communication strategy and handling of the situation.


The fallout was swift and severe, with H&M facing widespread boycotts and protests, with some people even vandalising H&M stores in response. Financially H&M saw:

    • Net profit drop 61% – from $1.9 billion USD in 2017 to $0.7 billion USD in 2018.
    • Share prices fall by 4.6%.
    • Market value declined by billions, costing up to $4 billion in lost market capitalisation.

    Lessons Learned

    Culture and Context – In a diverse and globalised world, crisis management exists when companies are equally mindful of the cultural context in which their products are marketed – that colleagues and customers have different cultural communication and management styles.

    Planning and Preparation – Some criticised H&M’s response to the crisis for being slow and insufficient, which may have exacerbated the damage to the company’s reputation. H&M failed to anticipate and mitigate the potential risks – avoiding a crisis is crisis management.

    Power of social media – The crisis was fuelled by social media outrage, and H&M’s response was widely criticised for being tone-deaf and insensitive. Knowing your stakeholder’s social media usage, monitoring brand sentiment, creating a more culturally diverse social media management team, and prioritising transparency will all enhance the message when delivered.

    Change takes time – The hoody crisis was not the first culturally sensitive controversy – and not the last. 2015 saw insensitive headwear released, while 2019 saw further accusations of racism in online advertising. Crisis competence takes time – built on principles; training should be focused on creating a culture of shared understanding to enable collaboration in response.

    The Murphy Way

    Communication is vital during a crisis and a golden thread before and after for engaging stakeholders and engendering trust before it is needed. Using the Murphy platform, you can create a common understanding of the message and the communication strategy, empowering your communications team with the information to inform.

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