This week, I want to talk about a book that has had a big influence on me as a crisis manager: “Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World”, a book written by David Epstein. It explores the idea that in today’s rapidly changing world, those who are able to adapt and learn new skills quickly are the most successful. The book challenges the traditional notion of the “specialized expert” and instead argues for the benefits of a diverse set of experiences and interests. Through a wide range of examples and research, Epstein makes a compelling case for the value of being a “generalist” in today’s world.
“Everyone is digging deeper into their own trench and rarely standing up to look in the next trench over, even though the solution to their problem happens to reside there.”― David Epstein, Range:
So, what can crisis managers learn from this book?
- First and foremost, we can learn the importance of being adaptable and open to learning new things from the book. In a crisis situation, things can change rapidly and unexpectedly, and those who are able to adapt and learn on the fly will be much more effective at managing the situation.
- Another key success factor that the book highlights is the importance of having a diverse range of skills and experiences. Rather than specializing in just one area, it’s important to have a broad range of skills and knowledge that we can draw upon in different situations. This can help us to be more flexible and better able to respond to the unique challenges of each crisis.
- Another success factor highlighted in the book is the benefit of mentorship. The book emphasizes the importance of mentorship in developing a broad range of skills and knowledge. Crisis managers can benefit from having a mentor who can guide them and provide valuable feedback.
- Finally, the book also encourages us to think about the long-term impact of our actions. Rather than just focusing on the immediate crisis at hand, it’s important to consider the long-term consequences of our decisions and how they will affect the organization in the future.
In future, more and more crisis managers will have to be ready for complex and multi-faceted crises, such as pandemics, climate change, economic disruption and social unrest. They will have to be able to navigate uncertain and rapidly changing environments and have a variety of skills and knowledge to call upon to effectively respond to crises. The generalist mindset and the ability to learn quickly will be essential for crisis managers to succeed in this new landscape.
While the book “Range” by David Epstein argues that specialization can be a limitation for crisis managers, it’s important to note that there are certain fields within the crisis team that do require a high level of specialization. For example, in fields such as cyber security, specialized knowledge and skills are crucial for effectively responding to crises. In these areas, it’s important for individuals to have a deep understanding of the specific challenges and needs of their field in order to be able to respond effectively.”
Reflection from the Russian invasion of Ukraine and adaptation in crisis situations
The ongoing conflict in Ukraine serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of constant adaptation in crisis situations. One example of this is the way in which Ukrainian military and civilian organizations have had to quickly adapt to receiving of military equipment and other resources from Western countries, which they may not be familiar with.
This has presented a number of challenges for the Ukrainian military and civilian organizations, as they have had to quickly learn how to use and maintain new equipment and technology as well as incorporate them into their tactics. Despite these challenges, they have been able to adapt and make the most of the resources they have received, which has been crucial in helping them to effectively respond to the ongoing conflict.
This situation highlights the importance of being adaptable and open to learning new things in crisis situations. It also shows how important it is to have a diverse range of skills and experiences, which can be drawn upon to effectively respond to new challenges.
Ultimately, the ongoing conflict in Ukraine serves as a powerful reminder that in crisis situations, the ability to adapt and learn quickly is essential for success.
As you reflect on these key success factors, I encourage you to ask yourself the following questions:
- How can I become more adaptable and open to learning new things?
- What can I do to build a more diverse range of skills and experiences?
- How can I think more about the long-term impact of my actions in a crisis situation?
Overall, “Range” by David Epstein is a powerful and thought-provoking book that has had a big influence on me as a crisis manager. I hope that these ideas will be helpful to you as well!
Thanks for tuning in to this week’s edition of the weekly crisis thought. Until next time!